PNG - Almost there
Crossing the international dateline is so weird. 12 hours ago it was Friday and now it is Sunday.
Toby and I are sitting in the Brisbane airport waiting for our flight to Port Moresby. Luckily this airport, unlike LAX, has launched into the 21st Century and has free WiFi to keep us occupied for the next few hours.
Nothing exciting to report just yet. Um... I watched "The Pursuit of Happiness" starring the Fresh Prince. It was pretty good. Also saw my one of my favorite Simpsons episodes - the stonecutters one.
I am feeling like I should be dorking out more to show my enthusiasm by reading PNG guidebooks and listening to tapes on Tok Pisin. Instead I'm reading magazines and posting pointless movie reviews to the blog. Oh well. The excitement is there - for sure. Just hidden under a lack of sleep and a bit of disbelief that I am actually on my way to PNG…

(Map by Lonely Planet) I will be spending the next few days Port Moresby followed by Lae.
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