Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Santiago day 1

So the thing about Santiago being safe apparently doesn't take into account wild dogs. Not mean ones but yes wild dogs. They sort of just hang out and sleep in the shade and I give them wide berth.
I walked around all day and saw the Chilean History Museum at Plaza de Armas. It was mostly in Spanish but I caught the main points. The Spanish school wants me to start on Monday with a group or pay out the nose for some private lessons this week. I think I'll continue to use my phrase book and look like an idiot for the next couple of days. Then I'll head down to Pucon in time to start a proper group lesson on Monday.
There is a rock outcrop/fortress/church in the middle of the city that must rise up 750 feet in a quarter mile. It is a city park and the top has great views of the sprawling city and the Andes. This city is seriously enormous, especially in comparison to my little 7x7 town of under a million. There is good stencil graffiti and other street art. I have seen "vegetarianos" on some signs but so far I've just had a cheese empanada and some fruit which can't be screwed up through poor communication.
Tomorrow I'm going to find the Natural History Museum and attempt to purchase a power converter for my camera.
Hey, seriously don't worry about the dogs. I'm not hanging out down by the river. Which, by the way, is a madly flowing brown swirl of snowmelt and upstream pollution. The dogs are simply a sign that I am indeed in South America.
p.s. this keyboard is whacky so don't judge the lack of punctuation at times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susan, I'm too jealous as I sit in front of the computer endlessly typing emails and writing gov't documents. Sigh. You may inspire me to take a sunny vacation! Wish you could post pics. I could always just google image Chile... TTFN- Ranger Jane

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you having a killer time? Can you believe there really is a lake called Titicaca! I'm glad to hear that you made it to Chile safely. According to the urban myth, those aren't dogs they're actually oversized rats that will eat small house pets if you bring them home. Spanish lessons are for the aves, go with full immersion living. Be safe and post photos if you can. Lover,Blogger brother Dan.

6:48 PM  

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