Monday, October 31, 2005

Castro for Halloween

Did I plan this? Well, sort of. I am in Castro (Chile) for Halloween. Very appropriate though I am not sure that the party will be the same.
(FYI The Castro neighborhood in SF is where the huge Halloween parade-street party is..)
I took the bus to the island of Chiloe, of which Castro is the capital. The island doesn´t have a bridge so the bus went on a ferry for about 20 minutes. It was the only 30 minutes of sun I have seen in days, so that was good timing. There were actually some seals playing around the ferry too!
The houses here are built on stilts near the water and painted various bright colors. Maybe this place is more like San Francisco afterall. I´m going to meet another gringo for a Halloween beer tonight. I plan to dress up as an obnoxious American which doesn't take much effort.

Have fun and get lots of candy everyone!!!!!

p.s. just made a $9 phone call home to Dave! He is worth it :)
p.s.s. ClearChannel has brought it tentacles of greed down to the remote areas of Chile with their stupid billboards. I saw a bunch on the bus ride.


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