Friday, October 21, 2005

Santiago day 3

I slept in today due to my new room resembling a cave. It was great. I was successful in locating the correct store and purchasing an electrical adapter for my camera charger. In the US they are not cheap and here I paid one dollar. Sweet. I also tracked down Huelgo which my guidebook calls the continent's best vegetarian restaurant - I'm guessing there isn't a lot of competition. It was yummy. I am starting to do the Chilean giant late lunch and a little snack in the evening. The siesta here is basically an excuse to shop in the middle of the day. The subway is packed between 1 and 3 as are the restaurants and stores.
I went with my Australian museum buddy to the Museo Bellas Artes. They had a Worhol exhibit and some other cool Chilean artists. The building itself is really beautiful. The foyer looks like a greenhouse with a glass roof.
The hostel is nice enough to let me chill here on my down time since my train doesn't leave until tonight. It helped that I booked a room for Dave and I when we come back through at the end of November. This free internet thing is great. I'm thinking my entries will slow down once I have to pay for the internet and once I am away from the big city.
On to the Lake District AKA Sur Chico...
It is at least 20 degrees colder there so I'm thinking I might need to purchase a sweatshirt. I have some warm stuff but it mostly consists of that wetsuit-looking thing. And while it could pass as fashionable here due to the tight Euro look to it, it just isn't comfy.
More later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aunt Susan,
Sounds like your trip is alot of fun! I want to do something like it someday! How is Chile? We hope you have an awesome time!
Love you!

8:42 AM  

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